Our mission: educate 1 lakh students

LCEI strives for qualitative over quantitative education. We are on a mission of educating people with basic to advanced computer skills.

15 years of quality education

As Computer Technology has marched ahead and is one of the essential skills in the 21st century. We believe the teaching-learning process should be practical and interactive. The coursework is based on latest job requirements. The laboratory is well-equipped, and adequately ventilated. Students are introduced to real-life projects and assignments to focus on their careers. Creativity, Discipline, and Punctuality are the key ingredients that we focus on for our students.

Students in Class
Students practicing in Computer Lab
LCEI Gaighat Computer Lab
LCEI Head Office Room

We are growing

Our community of student, parents and well-wishers get bigger by the day. Our latest numbers from the 15 years of service.










Provision of quality computer education to help the students build up a diverse skillset to compete in the technology world: with a community of 1 lakh.


Become a pioneer in advanced computer education institution.

Our Team: Leading the mission

Well-trained and Industry expert teaching workforce is committed to excellence and a diverse portfolio.


Krishna Bhandari

Managing Director

Master in numerous professional courses, experience and teaching enthusiast. Professional in Hardware & Networking, Graphics Design, Computer Operator courses. 


Rajan Acharya

Administrator, Instructor

Dedicated and determined Administrator cum Instructor. Professional in Office Automation, Accounting Package and Diploma level courses. 


Netra Magar

Branch Head, Instructor

Young and energetic Branch Head cum Instructor. Professional in Office Package, Digital Marketing & Diploma level courses.